
Come to Mama

Today is the solstice, with a magical eclipse thrown in, in the wee hours this morning. I'm sitting in a lovely comfy hotel room in Syracuse, with a picture of four pretty blastocysts (and one that didn't quite get there, second from right) on the table next to me. Our transfer was this morning. We transferred two. Two will be frozen, which I am very happy about.

Our donor gave us 11 eggs, 9 were mature, and 5 fertilized. My clinic decided right away to do a day 5 transfer. They don't like to disturb the embryos so I had no idea during the week how they were doing. I was haunted with fears that they would not survive, like last time, and all our very profound and consuming efforts, emotional, physical and financial would be for nothing. As the Doc opened the door to the transfer room, he said "It's a beautiful day! You have beautiful embryos!" That was VERY good to hear!!

I am really trying to allow all my joy and hopes and pleasure in having these two embryos inside me to live and flourish. I will not, at least today, succumb to protecting my heart in a way that cuts off my life energy, and my love energy. 

I send love and blessings to all of you who are awaiting and loving your children, whatever state your beautiful hearts are in.


  1. How wonderful your little embabies look! After 4 1/2 years of IVF/ISCI, 14 stim cycles, 1 pregnancy that ended at 14 weeks, blah blah blah I'm pregnant again from a cycle with an anonymous ovum donor. I hope it happens for you!! ((HUGS)) for the 2ww!

  2. Here's hoping your get your BFP!

    ~Happy ICLW~
    #14 http://themissruby.blogspot.com/

    ~May your Christmas be filled with Peace~
    ~And your New Year with Hope~

  3. That's such a beautiful way to put it. Don't cut off your love energy or your life energy! Those are beautiful embies. hope they are settling in for the long haul to receive all the love energy and life energy you have to give.

  4. "I am really trying to allow all my joy and hopes and pleasure in having these two embryos inside me to live and flourish. I will not, at least today, succumb to protecting my heart in a way that cuts off my life energy, and my love energy. "

    Here's to ENJOYING the FACT that you have LIFE growing inside of you!!! All the best to you, Rosie! May this 2ww lead to having your baby (babies) in your arms!


  5. Dropping back by! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    So happy to hear about the Embabies! Sending even more sticky, stickier, the stickiest baby dust your way, best wishes on the 2WW. BFP BFP!
    The C's

  6. Congrats on being PUPO! That was a beautiful post! Sticky vibes~*~

  7. Here from ICLW! Sending you lots of baby dust!

  8. Four blastocysts! What lovely news. Let's hope those two are getting cosy and clinging on.

    Best of luck

  9. what beautiful little blastocysts!!!
    snuggle in little guys!!! Get comfortable!!

    Happy ICLW!!

  10. stopping by from ICLW (#100). i was so thrilled by the soltice this year and the lunar eclipse! omg, i just read your story on the right and i'm SOOOO hoping this works out for you. i'm glad that you got some frozens out of this cycle too. i agree, don't succumb to protecting your heart. flourish in your joy!

  11. Grow little Embies!! GROW!!! Your Mommy & Daddy cannot wait to see your little heart or hearts beating ...

    GOOD LUCK!!!

    Happy ICLW from #37 and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!

  12. Good Luck, sending blessings your way!

  13. Hi, stopping by for ICLW!! Wishing a BFP for you!!! Best wishes to you. Merry Christmas! ICLW #69

  14. Those are some beautiful blasts!

    ~Jem (ICLW#5

  15. Wow! That's so exciting! Hope you had an amazing Christmas! Here's to 2011 bringing more joy than you could have ever imagined! Lots of love from ICLW #110!
